He was ÒIndiana JonesÓ with a medical bag. Born in the era of the horse and buggy he lived to see the jet age and saw man walk on the Moon. Craving a life of adventure, he also wanted to help his fellow man and make his community and the world a better place.
These few words give the briefest overview to a life that spanned a century and continues to impact the people of south central Nebraska. He made such a difference in the lives of his patients, his name and reputation is even known among their descendants. Such was the life of Eugene Clair Foote M.D.
Going by the maxim to work hard and play hard, Dr. Foote lived a life of great purpose and touched the lives of countless individuals. Despite humble beginnings, at the height of his career, if you walked through the parking lot of his medical clinic you would have seen license plates from all over the country. He started a medical tradition that continues to this day.